Christmas in New Orleans
A little bit of knowledge can go a long way. In this lesson we look at how to find any chord on ukulele using only four basic chord shapes that you already know.
At first glance a chord chart for a jazz standard can look more like an algebra problem than a piece of music and this lesson will give you the power to decode it. Understanding the building blocks of chords is much more important than memorizing 1000 chord shapes and with a bit of practice any one can be finding, as well as making, their own chords in no time.
I’ll walk you through my five step process to finding any chord and then we’ll put these concepts to use over the A section of Autumn Leaves.
If you enjoy deep dives into theory, music, and ukulele, jin me over on the Tin Man’s Ukulele Club we we put these concepts to use with new lessons each and every week while learning jazz standards.
Learn one new Jazz Standard each month with over an hour of instruction covering chords, melody, soloing and more with new lessons each week. Plus 100s of jazz ukulele lessons with downloadable educational resources. Extended lessons for every youtube video, over 200 hours of instruction, updated weekly. Live stream lessons 3 times per month, access to members only slack channel, all of my books, mini courses and more!