Christopher teaches 1-2-1 ukulele lessons ranging from beginner to advanced, tailored to the specific needs of each student.
I limit my studio size for weekly lessons to be sure that each person gets the attention they deserve and my studio is currently full. Please send me an e-mail to be placed on the waiting list.
If you are looking for a single lesson to work on something specific, brush up on a technique, etc, I can usually find space within the next couple weeks. Simply purchase a one-off lesson and I’ll be in contact to schedule.
Busty schedule and want to work through lessons at your own pace? Join the Tin Man’s Magic Ukulele Club for new weekly lessons, livestreams, and and archive of over 300 lessons.
Learn one new Jazz Standard each month with over an hour of instruction covering chords, melody, soloing and more with new lessons each week. Plus 100s of jazz ukulele lessons with downloadable educational resources. Extended lessons for every youtube video, over 200 hours of instruction, updated weekly. Live stream lessons 3 times per month, access to members only slack channel, all of my books, mini courses and more!