Learn Your Fretboard in 30 Days

There are no shortcuts to learning the fretboard; it’s simply memorization which comes through consistent practice. In these 30 exercise we learn the white keys on our four little pianos (strings) of the ukulele through repetition across 30 days.

Take these slowly even if they seem too easy for you and sing along with each exercise. As important as knowing the names of the notes is knowing the sound associated with each fret on the instrument is equally important.

Each exercise should be practiced daily. Even with all 30 this will take you less than fifteen minutes at a reasonable tempo.

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Want to dive more into learning the fingerboard? Check out the 12 keys series and music theory module on the the Magic Ukulele Club.

The Tin Man's Magic Ukulele Club
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Learn one new Jazz Standard each month with over an hour of instruction covering chords, melody, soloing and more with new lessons each week. Plus 100s of jazz ukulele lessons with downloadable educational resources. Extended lessons for every youtube video, over 200 hours of instruction, updated weekly. Live stream lessons 3 times per month, access to members only slack channel, all of my books, mini courses and more!